Platinum Partner Sponsorship


In stock


  • Recognition and branding in conference venue and conference program as “USCA 2025 Platinum Partner” 
  • Identification in media events and promotions 
  • High Visibility on the USCA 2025 website with link to sponsor’s website 
  • Opportunity to provide conference bag inserts 
  • One Complimentary Registration Pass 
  • Available Sponsorship deadline: December 1, 2024

Additional Customized Package Options (choose one)

  • Vendor space 
  • Display of sponsor provided banners 
  • Advertisement in USCA 2025 Conference program 
  • Sponsor a single conference presentation 
  • Three months of sponsor logo and website listed in USCA monthly webinar 
  • Three months of sponsor logo and website listed in USCA monthly newsletter

To learn more about sponsorship opportunities at USCA 2025 contact: 

Joelle Hushen | USCA 2025 Planning Committee Sponsorship Coordinator |